Tag Archives: federalist papers

44,000 Bombs in 2017: The Result of Ignoring the Constitution on War

FK – Search and watch ‘The Swamp‘ on goolagtube.

The giving was over a long time ago.

Christian rebels and modern cowards

Guest column: We are serfs and our system of govt. is feudal

We are serfs and our system of govt. is feudal
John Mark King(Originally posted on fakebook)

The meme is truer than you know. In 1998, I was asked to do a report on the U.S. Constitution (1788) , comparing it with the Constitution of the Confederate States of America (1861) and the ORIGINAL constitution of the United States called the Articles of Confederation (1777). As some of you may know, NOT everyone was thrilled with the new compact composed and proposed by the 39 TRAITORS who met in Philadelphia in the summer of 1787.

The proponents of the new CONstitution CALLED THEMSELVES “The Federalists” even though what they offered in these seven Articles was FAR from a truly federal system. Their opposition, for want of better terminology became known as the “Antifederalist— despite the fact that what they were defending (the Articles of Confederation government) was TRULY a FEDERAL system. The Antifederalists cited MANY defects in the CONstitution and warned the people — basically– that if they were stupid enough to allow this new compact to be ratified they would soon say goodbye to their liberty.

Indeed to read the warnings of the Antifederalist and to look around us today at the tyrannical tendencies of the U.S. Government, one is struck by an eerie sense of seeing prophecy come to pass. However aside from the MANY tyrannical tendencies they saw and warned of in the CONstitution, they MISSED ONE. We caught it when we were doing our research on the CONstitution, because at that time many in the Patriot movement at large were contending against Libtards and Demoncrats over the form of Government we supposedly have.

Libtards, Democrats and the majority of those in the Republican Party agree that “America is a democracy” The patriots would counter this by saying that “No, America is a republic” and as proof they would offer up Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. CONstitution wjhich states:

“The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union A REPUBLICAN FORM OF GOVERNMENT, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence. ” — Article IV. Section 4 USC {emphasis added}

However the patriots seemed to forget that the right “to petition the Government for a redress of grievances” {First Amendment] DID introduce a truly democratic process. We suspected that THIS was the reason Thomas Jefferson came up with the name Democratic-Republican when he took the Antifederalist and turned them into a real political party to oppose the Federalist Party. Also at that time, the terms “republican” and “democratic” were almost interchangeable as both represented a system of government (ostensibly) by the people. However Article IV Section 4 SAYS MUCH MORE about the TRUE nature of the system of government we truly have than what had been noticed by most commentators or educators on the topic of the CONstitution. Let’s look at it again — more carefully this time:

The first thing that struck us was the LANGUAGE of the section. What stands out the most here is that TWO different entities are being discussed “The United States” and “the States” This flies in the face of the generally accepted idea that the U.S. Government is but an extension of the very States that came together to create it — nothing could be further from the truth. Look:

“The United States SHALL GUARANTEE TO every STATE in this Union a republican Form of Government, AND SHALL PROTECT EACH OF THEM..” {emphasis added}

In the context used here, “The United States” CAN ONLY MEAN the GOVERNMENT of the United States of America. Since when does the CREATION guarantee anything to the “creators”?? Indeed we were also struck by the arrogant, even imperial nature of the verbiage here. The pronouncement called to mind the vow of kings who were Lord Guarantors” and “Protectors of the realm” and “of the faith” (which in this case would be that republican form). Now let us look closer at that guarantee to PROTECTION:

“…and shall protect each of them AGAINST INVASION;” {emphasis added}

For those of you who may be wondering, President Trump is RIGHT in exercising his power to call out the National Guards (and even the U.S. Army if he deemed it necessary) to go to the border to meet the invasion coming our way from Central and South America. But there is more — take CAREFUL NOTE of this:

“… and on Application of the LEGISLATURE, OR OF THE EXECUTIVE (when the Legislature cannot be convened) AGAINST DOMESTIC VIOLENCE” {emphasis added}

There is NO QUESTION that we are talking about STATE Governments here. The mentioning of both “Legislature” and “Executive” confirms that beyond doubt, but WHAT of this SECOND potential threat that a STATE GOVERNMENT could face? What do they mean by “DOMESTIC violence”? YOU KNOW what they mean, but for all the LIBTARDS who come and read my posts I guess we will have to spell it out for them. Here are the definitions of “domestic” as provided by Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary:

Definition of domestic
1 a : living near or about human habitations domestic vermin
b : tame, domesticated the domestic cat
2 : of, relating to, or originating within a country and ESPECIALLY ONE’S OWN COUNTRY domestic politics domestic wines domestic manufacturing all debts foreign and domestic
3 : of or relating to the household or the family domestic chores domestic happiness
4 : devoted to home duties and pleasures leading a quietly domestic life
5 : indigenous a domestic species
{emphasis added}

So this reference to “domestic Violence” is none other than a reference to you, me, and everyone we know –“WE THE PEOPLE” So WHAT does this tell us about the TRUE SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT WE HAVE LORDING OVER US??? Simple, it is a very cleverly disguised FEUDAL system. In this variant, the U.S. Government assumes the role of “Lord Guarantor and Protector of the Faith” the same role the King or Emperor assumed. The STATE Governments have been reduced to nothing more than vassal states — like so many Barons and Dukes. And “We the people” — who are supposedly the “authors” of this blasphemy to liberty? Well we TRULY are the Serfs, and we have been sorely fooled.

So THIS is WHY I HATE the U.S. Government and the U.S. CONstitution — and why YOU should too. Count me as a DIEHARD Antifederalist (or such as is opposed to the CONstitution) and moreover a COMPLETELY INVESTED AND DEVOTED SOUTHERN CONFEDERATE.

FK – Obviously the U.S. Constitution is full of loopholes the biggest one of which is they failed to clearly explain to future generations that we have a right, duty and responsibility to hunt to extinction those who seek to destroy our Bills of Rights of the Federal and various state governments be they enemies domestic or foreign.

State originally meant ‘sovereign nation state’ of course. The Founders were as imperfect as any of us and a percentage of them may have cared more about the preservation of their new empire than about human liberty, which is our problem now. The Federalist vs. anti-Federalist fight was very real at the time. One only has to read a little Hamilton in the Federalist Papers to begin uttering “Bullshit, bullshit” under one’s breath as the things he said his new govt. wouldn’t do have been dwarfed by modern reality.

Most to all of the Founders took our right to fight back as a given but now our republicrats and self-proclaimed ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ constantly feel a need to apologize to our domestic enemies for our most basic right, to kill them for trying to enslave us all.

Welcome to a nation of morons

What so many can’t or won’t see is that without our liberty it’s pointless to preserve the empire. Without an ability to fight the government or any government or human institution that seeks to rule us we are slaves. If the current global empire of note loses its tech edge in warfare how long will it be until we see foreign landing craft on our shores bringing in occupation troops from populations that far outnumber us?

In reality they arrived long ago.

I prefer to have a rifle behind each blade of grass, whether some Jap general really said it or not.

Humanity had existed for millennia under the rule of ‘god appointed kings‘ and the early presidents were referred to as ‘your excellency’ so that mindset was slow in evolving out of us. Many today would happily bow down to a king of some sort or another that promised them an easy button for all their problems.

So really we’re extremely lucky that anything good came from the American Revolution. Indeed they handed us a pearl of great price that most today take for granted or squander or simply have no understanding of what it means or is supposed to acknowledge.

It’s easier to just wait for that tax refund that they stole from their paychecks before it even reached their hands.

The bigger issue is we have a nation of pathetic cowards who think it’s better to raise children to be willing slaves than to teach them to aim small, miss small:

Can your kid hit a running commie at 300 meters then survive to re-establish Liberty here under a clean Bill of Rights that bans socialism and weapons control and ACKNOWLEDGES our natural born right to kill those who would rule us?

That is really the most important question of all.

Our real enemies:


FK – In reality there are no innocent lives in a representative republic. We are all responsible for maintaining and restoring our Liberty.

The trash that doesn’t like that doesn’t belong here.

Gun Control Issue Broken Down

Welcome to a nation of pacified morons or WHAT MUST BE DONE NOW!

Madison and Hamilton on “general Welfare” under the Constitution

FK – The fedgov gets the power to do ‘anything it wants’ by it’s willingness to do so, the whores that will do the nasty work for a paycheck and a retirement plan and the willful ignorance and apathy of the common sheeple and the superior weaponry of the modern empire of note and the cowardice of those who claim they want to be free but are incapable of shedding the blood it will be necessary to shed to fix this mess if it can be fixed.

The anti-federalists were right, just not right enough.

A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”

What’s the ultimate question?

What can I do?

Why Most Men Are Scared Cowards

The original was taken down. Don’t know why. Maybe Passio isn’t on goolagtube anymore. Though I don’t think was on his channel. I remembered this being a live longer speech to a group. This is what I could find in Oct. 2019 with the same basic message:




FK – Are you a chicken-shit coward?

The most important things to do

The only real reason for the militia

What is a man, really?

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

What to teach your kids

This is our white-skinned amerikan born enemy:

Why do we allow such trash ANY POWER OVER US AT ALL??!!!!

Where are they now?

The most important things to do

The most important things to do
Barry Bright Oct. 18, 2017

“Life is pain. Those who say differently are selling something.” – from the book and movie titled ‘The Princess Bride’

Don’t understand this? Actually click on the links and READ. I’m not here to hold your hand!

Stand for Liberty, not a piece of cloth or a pledge written by a socialist preacher or a song or a prayer that without works is useless or a government that like all governments is never to be trusted but watched over with arms in hand and a heart and mind prepared to do what will be required to correct its wayward course.

Learn the real history of our Founding. Actually read the Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional, from acknowledging the most basic right we possess, that of self defense to forbidding cruel and unusual punishment.

Learn some non PC, if that’s possible, human history, not just the ancient tribal propaganda that wasn’t even written for us. We don’t have kings, lords or Caesars to pay tribute to any more. Our constitution reads ‘We the People’ not ‘they the rulers.’

Learn what ‘We the People’ actually means. It’s taking on personal responsibility for the world around you. It’s not voting to get a check or a job or waiting for the world to end while passing your slavery on to your children.

Get physically fit as you can be for you do not know what you may have to do. Set an example for the next generation by getting off your physical and mental ass and actually giving a damn.

Teach your children this is not a ‘safe’ world and there are no ‘safe spaces’ on or within it and they too do not know what they may have to do.

Learn how to vote, that it’s the most violent act anyone can participate in and it’s only a tiny step in an ongoing process. Demand that candidates submit a real resume that includes their voting records, political affiliations and donors. Ignore what spews out of their mouths and look at what they do. When they win issue them a rope to be worn around their necks at all times so it’s handy for us if we need to use it.

Get over your mindless pacifism. We have what liberty we have left because we draw our food and water from the blood stained ground our ancestors conquered. Those who don’t like that are free to leave. In fact I highly recommend it for eventually enough of us will grasp the necessity of hunting you to extinction.

Learn how to kill. For multiple millennia our ancestors ate what they could catch or raise and didn’t shirk at doing what needed to be done to survive. Life is war. Those who deny this reality cheat themselves, their alleged loved ones and all those who may exist after us.

Learn the real golden rule: Treat others as they wish to be treated unless they are forcing you to lie about reality. There is no such thing as a right to work covertly or overtly to enslave those around you. Just because you don’t mind being a slave to one version of authoritarianism or another does not give you the right to vote to force everyone else into it.

Don’t think in terms of ‘positive’ or ‘negative.’ When someone is whining about such I know I’m dealing with a child. Real life is a constant mix of both and sometimes we have to sort it out with bloody hands.

Don’t blindly trust any source. When someone tells me they do, I know I’m dealing with a child.

Don’t tolerate those who lie to us all while arrogantly expecting us to pretend they’re not lying. Their arrogance, hubris, will only be limited by the limits we force upon it.

Don’t allow your employers to treat you like a jackass, because most of them will if they can. Demand enough time away from wasting your time in exchange for money to stay physically fit, learn what you need to know to stay free and pass it on to those you claim to care about.

Love, respect and forgive those who deserve it. Face the reality that many will never change no matter what you say to them or show them. Their only goal is our submission. Our only proper answer is their destruction. Failing to recognize this reality and to act on it will doom us.

Value your true friends who will help you make and bury the bodies, if you have any after forwarding this to them. If not they weren’t your ‘friends’ in the first place.

“Death by violence, death by cold, death by starvation – they are the normal endings of the stately creatures of the wilderness. The sentimentalists who prattle about the peaceful life of nature do not realize its utter mercilessness.” – Theodore Roosevelt in his safari diary.

“Princes and governments are far more dangerous than other elements within society.” – Niccolo Machiavelli

“For it is a habit of mankind to entrust to careless hope what they long for, and to use sovereign reason to thrust aside what they do not fancy.” – Thucydides, from his History of the Peloponnesian War p. 276  Book 4 

“A human group transforms itself into a crowd when it suddenly responds to a suggestion rather than to reasoning, to an image rather than to an idea, to an affirmation rather than to proof, to the repetition of a phrase rather than to arguments, to prestige rather than to competence.” – Jean-Francois Revel

“You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.” – Winston Churchill

What does ‘We the People’ actually mean?

It means we are responsible…

We have a representative republic, guaranteed to every state, not a democracy.

We have a Bill of Rights that acknowledges rights we are born with, not granted or created by any government.

We vote with the knowledge that voting is the most violent act anyone can participate in because voting is electing someone to hire someone to stick a government gun in our neighbors’ faces and force our version of reality on them at the threat of their very lives.

We stand ready to protect our Liberty and the Liberty of our neighbors, not destroy it, via any version of authoritarianism, of any age or place.

We are prepared with knowledge and force of arms to make war against and kill if necessary those who would destroy our Bill of Rights whether they represent domestic or foreign enemies.

We do not lie to ourselves, our families, our friends, our business associates, our descendants, our enemies, about these things and do not EVER tolerate those who would have us do so.

If the troops were fighting for our freedom they’d all be here.

It’s July 4: What are we really celebrating?

A new birth of Liberty, or death

How many more generations will have to deal with this evil?:

FK – Trump needs to bring the troops home and have them hunt our real enemies.

The Man Who Fired The Shot Heard ’Round The World

I am absolutely convinced that one of the biggest reasons America is in the sad condition it is in today is because the sermons most Americans frequently hear from modern pulpits refuse to deal with the salient issues of the day and, therefore, our Christian people are mostly uneducated and ignorant of the great Biblical truths relating to liberty and Natural Law. This milquetoast preaching, along with a totally false “obey-the-government-no-matter-what” misinterpretation of Romans 13, have made it next to impossible to find Christian men with the courage and resolve, and even more importantly, the knowledge and understanding, to stand against the assaults on our liberties.

America cut its spiritual teeth on the powerful preaching and exemplary examples of men such as James Caldwell, John Peter Muhlenberg, Joab Houghton, and, yes, Jonas Clark. That most churches do not have pastors such as these is the main reason America is in the miserable condition it is in today.

Then again, for the most part, our churches have the kind of pastors they want, don’t they? I wonder just how many churches today would even tolerate the kind of sermons Jonas Clark delivered. So, ask yourself, dear Christian friend: if you claim to be a patriot, why do you stay in a church that lacks a patriot-pastor? We have the kind of government we vote for and the kind of church we attend and give to. Think about it.

At any rate, this Sunday, April 19, marks one of the most significant dates in American history. And it is significant, in great part, because of the courage and sacrifice of a pastor and church congregation. I wonder how many pastors across the country will even mention it from the pulpit this Sunday. I wonder how many people in the congregation will miss it if they don’t.

FK – Modern so-called ‘christianity’ is certainly one of the biggest threats we face. When millions are sitting on their asses waiting for the world to end, too stupid to see how bad things are already, and nobody got beamed up.

April 19, our nation’s real birthday because that’s the day they shot back, should be our biggest holiday.

FK – Our ancestors weren’t perfect. Neither are we. Yes we can!