Tag Archives: downtown

First video Youtube crippled with its new censorship system


FK – Our societies should be built on a respect for human liberty. The commies hate this concept and use the minorities as tools to achieve their goal of enslaving all human-kind.

I live in a rural area 11 miles from the county seat and a mile or so from the county line. The 3 closest houses to mine have been broken into at one time or another and more than likely it was white trash that did it. The welfare state was created to produce inter-generational parasites of all races that would be dependable constituents for the communist party, by whatever name.

Most of the blacks in this rural area, at least years ago, were raised to have ‘common sense’ and be ‘productive members of society’ and usually turned out to be ‘good people'(very loosely defined for reasons I won’t go into here). That’s not happening in the urban centers is it? That’s because their culture has been intentionally destroyed by the amerikan communist(globalist) insurgency. That’s the issue.

The original post. Click on it and click on ‘learn more’ to tell the evil google where to go.

This Press for Truth vid is where I learned about it:


FK -‘Racial tensions’ are a communist/globalist tool they create and inflame to further their evil goal of enslaving us all.

A new birth of Liberty, or death

Conservative And Independent YouTube Channels Hit By Censorship And Demonetization

YouTube “Economically Censors” Ron Paul, Labels Videos “Not Suitable” For All Advertisers