Tag Archives: cool

Biometrics & The TSA In Your Car?! This Is Going Too Far!!


FK – “But if I’m not doing anything wrong, and properly sucking that big corpogovt. cock they stick in my face every day…”

John Stossel – Cool Commies and Other Myths

FK – We are ‘all in it together’ in that if the so-called libertarians and ‘conservatives'(loosely defined) don’t learn to work together against their common enemy(our greatest enemies, our domestic blood enemies, not some raghead hiding in a cave on the other side of the world) soon and develop the resolve to do what will be required the survivors will be all in the re-education camps ‘together.’

The simple fact is that many employers treat their employees like jackasses so it’s no wonder that so many lack a ‘positive’ view of them. If we can’t trust the jerks who run the government how can we trust them when they’re running their corporations after they leave their government jobs?

Don’t Shoot! I’m Che!