Tag Archives: conservatives

The Low Down on Trump, Sanders and Rand by Gary Johnson

FK – We’ll never have the ‘perfect’ candidate, whatever that would be. What we need is one who will work to restore the Bill of Rights and expand human liberty, not ‘democracy’ or corporatacracy and expel the communists from our country.

Free Speech Outlawed at 9/11 Ground Zero

FK – Well let’s see. All the ‘victims’ of 9/11 who had to be morons to begin with for not knowing the danger we already faced at that time from our own govt., without even getting into the discussion of who/what really ‘attacked’ us, weren’t even ‘allowed’ to defend themselves in New Yawk City without fear of a felony conviction.

This is how I responded to all the propaganda then and I haven’t changed my mind one bit about it.

I’ll never ‘forget’ how disgusted I was at how ‘surprised’ all the braindead sheeple were that something like that could happen here. The only thing I was surprised at was that it wasn’t far worse or they didn’t use nukes, the ragheads or our govt. or the mossad or the Saudis or some combination thereof or whoever the hell really did it. Time to wake up and grow up. They only killed 3000 in a nation of 300 million and our sorry ass congress passed the ‘patriot’ act, thousands of pages they didn’t read that had already been written. They should all be hanged for treason for that.

What is a #Cuckservative?

FK – Makes me wonder how many of the congress critters are on the payroll. What she may not understand is how deeply the ancient tribal propaganda is ingrained in millions of brain dead blindly obedient amerikan ‘children’ of the hebrew god. For many of them, it’s basically all they know, beyond what it takes to survive day to day or pay off a mortgage. It’s easier than thinking.

I call them the unmentionables.

In a free country there’s no such thing as a group whose motives cannot be questioned. When we have that we have a serious problem. We have a serious problem.

The Tea Party’s National Security Threat

Cuckservatism: Response to Taylor Millard

The Conscience of a Cuckservative

FK – I can’t abide mindless hatred of any person or group because they were born a certain way. But that’s not what this should be about. It’s about culture. Human culture, planet wide, is still very primitive and we still exist in a very dark age when billions find it acceptable that their god, that’s ‘their’ god, which was patterned after ancient tyrannical kings that said “Obey me or I’ll torture and/or kill you,” will burn the vast majority of humans who ever existed alive in fire forever. How disgusting.

Hitler was a socialist and as a consequence an authoritarian thus for the benefit of the mindless and the brain dead I have to state I could never countenance many of his actions but that doesn’t mean he was wrong about every thing. The German people choose the lessor of two evils, the Nazis vs. the Bolshevik Jews. Think about that the next time you vote for one of the approved candidates in a presidential election cycle. Vote for the lessor of two evils long enough and eventually you get more evil than you can handle.

Every day we creep closer to the time of choosing between death and viciousness.

Waking up is hard to do

Waking up is hard to do
Barry Bright
June 30, 2015

Some days I feel as if I’ve crash landed on a desert island and stumbled upon a couple of cave men, or a group of cave men, beating each other about the head and face with sticks.

This last week or so has been that way, much more so than usual. I’ve seen so many of the same old lies re-flung and so much of the same ignorance re-established as reality I found it hard to write about it, and still do for when I sit down to churn out a column I try to make my paragraphs mean something, and not just be regurgitation from the culture war.

I try to keep up with some general notion of what’s happening in the world around me, having stopped waiting for it to end long ago, not that it couldn’t, but only the still ignorant and pathetic center their lives around the possibility.

From the latest ‘mass shooting’ and the battle flag fallout to the SCOTUS decisions on ‘gay’ marriage and commie care and the natural calls for more authoritarian police state laws there’s been a significant increase in the use of sticks and stones commonly thrown about in our ‘culture war.’

It’s almost enough to make me agree with those who claim comment sections should be shut down because of all the ignorance spewed about in our e-political sphere. But not quite. As I told someone a while back, the comment sections are how we’re winning this war, but now, a few months later, I’m not so sure all internet activists are trying to take us where we’d like to go.

If politics is like making sausage, making propaganda in the internet age is like feeding that now famous pink goo through a high speed fan, or jet engine. Propaganda a few decades back was lies and truth mixed, now it’s run through a blender. The blender is the willful ignorance of the common sheeple, even of many ‘awake’ political activists(or paid trolls, take your pick).

The human race seems to be at an interesting age. I’ve been saying for years we’re headed for another civil war, but now I fear it will be such as the Reformation was in Europe, where millions died over whose sadistic asshole of a god would get to burn the vast majority of humans who ever lived alive in fire forever and after it’s over few will really understand why it was fought, as with most wars, and we will be rewarded with yet again another version of authoritarianism.

But, probably despite many proclamations about the future and the end, the ‘reformers’ and their enemies somehow survived, or rather civilization, loosely defined, survived, and here we are, ready to kill each other over the same old arguments and maybe a few new ones.

A lot of this is truly distraction from more important issues, but that’s a cheap definition. The battle flag is important because it represents an understanding of our history that many lack due to the success of our domestic blood enemies in building the government schools and universities to indoctrinate the youth in statism; and ‘gay’ marriage is important, though it’s a more complicated issue that won’t be solved by the culture war; and commie care, like most socialism, will ‘help’ some people but will of course grease the skids on our ever increasing rate of descent into hell on Earth.

Yet the reality is when you see a battle flag flying in a yard many still think it simply means the owner is a Klan member or some such. We’ve had the internet for 20 years now, so that is the fault of the average dumbass that still depends on a suited smiling whore on the weaponvision to tell it what to think.

Our domestic blood enemies, who have white skin and for the most part were probably born here and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world, will use any excuse to force us at the point of a government gun into their version of reality.

But too many fail to understand they are simply defending their own version of authoritarianism and though they may be more ‘awake’ than the average dumbass they still have a lot to learn.

Waking up can be hard to do for some. Many get to a certain point and run up against a wall of reality that so challenges their indoctrination that they can’t scale it, or won’t even try because it’s safer to hide in the bushes and wait for the world to end or for their god or political savior to come solve all their problems for them:

“Since government has been involved in marriage, they have done what they always do — taxed it, regulated it, and now redefined it. It is hard to argue that government’s involvement in marriage has made it better, a fact also not surprising to those who believe government does little right.” – Rand Paul

I don’t pretend to understand all the ‘legalities’ of the ‘gay marriage’ issue as they vary from state to state. But if all they wanted was to treat their partners as legal equals that probably could’ve been accomplished without rubbing their political enemies’ faces in their sickness.

But their enemies in the culture war are as much to blame. We are still a very primitive species when so many call an obvious birth defect or mental illness a ‘sin’ and pretend it can be prayed away when some are so obviously blessed by a not-so-loving god with birth defects that don’t fit into the ‘mainstream’ of society and probably never will.

We have gone in my lifetime from one insanity to another, when ‘sex education‘ was provided years after it was truly needed, if at all, to one where little kids are exposed to concepts they won’t need and shouldn’t want for years.

In the church I grew up in we heard about Sodom and Gomorrah, but I had a very vague idea, even into adulthood, what a ‘queer’ really was or did. Only later in college and boot camp did I learn how green I was and in one situation I would’ve been better off if I’d known what signals to watch for. Ignorance doesn’t serve civilization, but neither does wantonness in the public sphere where others are forced to see it when they don’t need nor want to.

The culture war won’t get them the real help they need, or simply leave them alone to live in the best peace they can find in this cruel and dangerous world. But then many of the ‘gay’ activists are “Liberal”(commie) trash who aren’t interested in leaving anyone alone to live in peace and Liberty. And they’re too stupid to understand that when the system they’re trying to install comes to power it will find no more kindness for them than the current one, excuse me, the one we lost.

Maybe it’s truly time to practice some of that love thy neighbor stuff. But then, that can be made impossible when your neighbor is working tirelessly to enslave us all further, and completely, and when those fakebook ‘friends‘ vote to kill those who don’t agree with their evil agenda despite their arrogant claims of pacifism and hatred of the police and military, who they will cheerfully send to break down your door if you happen to think we’re supposed to live in a free country. And the basis of all human Liberty is the right to fight back.


We must stop choosing from among the various forms of authoritarianism or our future will be no less bloody and pathetic than our past.

And we must decide what is to be done and agree on some solid interpretation of what our country is supposed to be about. I think this quote pretty much sums it up:

“At the heart of liberty is the right to define one’s own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life….” – Anthony Kennedy

FK – See anyone you know in there?

After Years Of Research, Confederate Daughter Arises


FK – They get away with what we let them get away with. It’s all our fault…

Confederate flag merchandise sales up 4000 percent following major retailers ban

FK – And if that isn’t true, it should be.

Big Pharma responsible for another mass shooting? SC church shooter took psych drugs before attack

FK – Someone else has been sniffing glue, or something, and not actually reading his book:


FK – So whose version, sub-version or subversion will crawl out of the swamp next time?

And let’s not forget the unmentionables:


FK – The indoctrination machine is still doing the dirty work of it’s masters. The SCOTUS is not the final arbiter of our rights. WE ARE!

Most ‘Jews’ today are secular Marxists. Simple fact. As always if we have a group whose motives can’t be questioned, we have a serious problem. We have a serious problem.

This meme pretty much sums it up:

elite distractionFK – In reality, it’s all part of the same war.

flag of slaveryFK – And it still does…

I’m a vet, do ya’ want to thank me?

See my next installment of this:

Waking up is still hard to do

Barry Bright: What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’
Barry Bright May 12, 2015

This is in response to a group I joined on Fakebook and their ‘manifesto‘ of sorts. I’ve seen many ‘manifestos’ over the years. Most are usually interesting, and strike at the heart of one ‘ism’ or another.

As I’ve noted in the past all the ‘isms’ ignore those aspects of human nature/behavior/history they find inconvenient. I’m far from being an expert on every issue I’ve endeavored to understand in 20 years of being a patriot activist and I don’t pretend to have all the answers, but I do know a few things.

I wouldn’t want to be called an expert anyway, or even a ‘constitutional scholar’ as someone once referred to me, as most experts I’ve seen on the weaponvision over the years were simply someone’s whore and most scholars are still beholden to one political ideology or another.

If I have to label myself I say I’m a pragmatic libertarian paleo-conservative populist. In other words I know what it’s like to yearn for the Liberty that was stolen from us before we were born and to be treated like a jackass while simply trying to ‘make a living'(loosely defined).

So here we go, from 30 years of attempting to pay attention and 20 years of waking up…

Eliminate the Federal Reserve system and all forms of income tax on every level. The income tax is the second plank of The Communist Manifesto. If they are stealing their money out of your paycheck before it even reaches your hands, you’re a slave.

Look at Wall Street and the inordinate/undeserved power it has gained over our legislative process and our economy. Find ways to limit such without destroying individual Liberty.

Cease wars for profit. Bring our troops home and let them hunt our real enemies, who have always been among us.

Repeal all gun laws on every level, federal, state and local. Prosecute for treason those who have passed them, attempted to create them or enforced them.

Set a definite deadline, within 10 years, of the end of all forms of socialism, including corporate socialism/welfare, within our governments. As the old saying goes, “If we can put a man on the moon…” then surely we can come up with a way to help those who truly need help without creating inter-generational parasites who are simply dependable constituents for those who constantly seek to destroy the Bill of Rights and control every aspect of our lives.

Establish basic rules for voting: All voters must prove citizenship via a ‘birth certificate’ or ‘certificate of live birth’ or proper immigration papers; prove literacy in English; pass a test that shows they have a basic understanding of the type of government we are supposed to have here: small and limited, with a focus on the Bill of Rights.

To further protect our ‘franchise’ and to prevent vote fraud all voters will receive a receipt with a number, or their voter number, upon voting that they can use to check their vote against a tally on the internet the next day. Election officials will publish election results at 6 am the next day but not before so all interested parties have an opportunity to check results online. This must be done to prevent the evil mainstream news media from ‘calling’ elections before the polls even close and thus affecting the outcomes.

Educate all law enforcement and military and elected, hired and appointed public servants that their first priority is the protection of the Bill of Rights and the expansion of Human Liberty. Hold them to their oaths at the cost of their very lives.

Since the First Amendment reads thusly, in part: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…” No religious law will ever hold sway over the U.S. Constitution or Bill of Rights or over those who want freedom from any religion.

Since the internet is the single most important Liberty expanding technology after the printing press, as it allows anyone who can afford a computer, a smart phone or access to any such device to posses and use their own press as they see fit, all efforts to ‘mainstream’ the internet, whether by corporate or government entities, will end. This means neither Google nor any other internet search service shall use means to channel search results away from certain topics or information, real or imagined, factual or fictional.

End the ‘drug war’ and the ‘war on terror’ since neither would exist anyway if the ‘right’ people on all sides weren’t profiting from them. Let the governments pursue only real criminals who have actually harmed a person or their property.

Release no violent prisoners who cannot be trusted with weapons, as easy as weapons of whatever kind are to acquire in a free society. When felons are released from prison they get all their rights back since they have ‘paid their debt to society’ and thus deserve even their most basic right, that of self defense, whether from criminals in government or common criminals.

We must have basic, enforceable and enforced labor laws for the simple fact that many cannot or will not stand up for themselves against oppressive, abusive employers and will literally do or say anything to get or keep a job including degrading their health from lack of exercise, over work, repetitive injuries and on and on. The elites who run the corporations, from whatever country, have proven time and again they prefer desperate workers who will show up on time, do what they’re told and never ask inappropriate questions.

We must establish a basic easy to understand tariff system that will discourage American corporations from taking advantage of either foreign or domestic workers.

Since in reality there is no such thing as a ‘right’ to work to enslave others or restrict their liberties, deportation for communists(by whatever cute name they call themselves), fundamentalist religious extremists, statists and authoritarians of various stripes, corporate workaholic jerks…. shall be considered.

A recognition that corporations are not human beings and thus cannot enjoy the same rights as a human being. They may have certain rights as in speech, property, copyright etc. but they cannot put their rights or their desire for profit over the rights or well-being of human beings.

Establish real environmental laws that hold corporate executives and their workers personally responsible for the damage they do to our environment.

We must create a civilian militia force outside government intervention with the primary purpose of protecting the Bill of Rights from all government and corporate and/or other entities at all levels within our society.

Since so many in our society are mentally so far removed from reality and so physically unfit as to be useless in a national emergency, such as would be needed to counter domestic insurgency or foreign invasion by statist/authoritarian entities we need some kind of basic conscription and military training for all youth. In short, there are many millions who could use a drill instructor yelling in their face for a while and others who desperately need to be trained away from their mindless pacifism.

Reveal everything the governments know about the alien/inter-dimensional presence on our planet, in our skies, where ever they may be or not be. The yet simple-minded will scoff at this, but it could actually be the most important item on this list, especially if as some claim, our governments and corporations are privy to information and or technology that would change how we all live within and see the reality we exist in.

I’ll throw this last one in for fun, even though it’s not likely to happen, it’s nice to think about:
We should shut the district of commie criminals down and turn it into a museum of tyranny. Move the capitol to the middle of Kansas. Allow them to meet only two weeks of the year – Jan. 1-15, during which time they must sleep in tents heated by cow dung. No hotels, airports, bars, NGOs, lobbyists, or any other assorted distractions allowed within 500 miles.

I don’t pretend the above is perfect or complete, not by any means. But it’s a fun start. The sad fact is that achieving such in any near future will most likely involve doing what will be required, as much as so many are loathe to even admit to themselves much less publicly.


Walter E Williams – Is America Any Different Than Rome?

FK – Rome lost it’s republic after 80 years, like us. It existed for hundreds of years as a dictatorial empire. Our modern masters have simply re-worked the paradigm, democracy as it’s called, to deceive the average dumbass into thinking he’s free.

We will not get back to the Bill of Rights, and the form of government we’re supposed to have, until enough who claim to love Liberty develop the backbone to do what will be required. Eventually it will be forced on them, but by then it may be too late.

FK – It’s been my experience that most who don’t read books have little interest in conversing with those who do about anything that actually matters.

The average dumbass will never read Rand, Rothbard, Mises, Rockwell, etc. They will continue to vote according to their stomachs and their glands for a long time to come.

We may win a few political battles, as we’re doing with the war on the Second Amendment, but that doesn’t mean we’ll win the big war. The now red house is controlled by the elites and recent actions or in-action by the republicrat congressional leadership shows we will have to do what will required.

CUE HYSTERIA: First ever feticide conviction in US

FK – The “Liberal”(commie) trash, the real ‘red’ team(their propagandists switched the colors) want to have sex with everything and anything and the ‘christian conservatives’ feel some deep set need to produce more babies for their sadistic asshole of a god to hold by their heels over hell-fire so it can tell them “Be my mindless slaves or I’ll torture you and/or kill you!” just like the ancient tyrannical kings it was patterned after.

The human race is insane and we still exist in a very dark age. Supposedly they’re working on a fool-proof birth control for men now. If it’s proven to work every 14 year-old should get it, but we know that won’t happen. As a society we’d rather hand out condoms and bibles to 8-year-olds.

Both sides in this absurd ‘culture war’ are getting it wrong:

FK – So all the great men/women of the past who gave us science, Liberty, matches, bananas, snow sleds, cars, milk shakes, their lives were meaningless?

Most are truly incapable of seeing beyond their own piddling existences. That’s why old grave yards are forgotten and children are told to ‘go get a job’ and billions are waiting to get beamed up before things get too bad and billions more waste all their time in the pursuit of money, things, false security, all while knowing they too will die.

Ann Coulter: Why Is Congress Worrying About ISIS When Illegals Are Killing People Every Day Right Here In America?

You can always tell the media are hiding something when they obsessively focus on Muslim atrocities someplace else in the world. Cable TV could cover Muslim atrocities 24 hours a day, seven days a week, from 632 A.D. to the end of time, without repeating themselves.

For at least a year after 9/11, I used to turn on the TV, and if I saw a “Survivor” contestant, I’d think, “Good. No news.” These days, I turn on the TV, and if I see former U.N. ambassador John Bolton, I think, “Good. No news.”

By now, the public knows more about ISIS than they know about the Kardashians. But it has no idea that the very same Senate Democrats who claimed to oppose Obama’s amnesty when they were campaigning are currently filibustering a bill to defund it, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is ready to cave.

FK – So where are our real enemies? Might they be the ones who write the ‘laws’ that allow all this?

Republicans start to renege on numerous promises

FK – Didn’t vote for McConnell, knew better.

We must get across to those assholes that we don’t send them up there to stand around with their fingers in the dike.

FK – At least with Frank, ya’ know what ya’ got.

Obama’s Silent Partner Opposed by Only 9% of GOP


FK – I was under the mistaken impression that since the republicrats controlled the House then only they would be voting. I guess that wouldn’t be very ‘democratic.’ If Pelosi had won which apparently wasn’t even possible, I’m not sure it would have made a lot of difference. What will the republicrats do anyway but stand around with their fingers in the dike with a dumb look on their faces as they’ve always done?

Boehner moves to punish dissenters, despite past statements