Tag Archives: comedian

Facebook & Google: The New Faces of Big Brother

FK – This won’t work unless the average dumbass gets off google, youtube and fakebook with the rest of us.

Their obvious goal is to sweep us off to some dark corner of the net where the sheeple will be afraid to tread because the authorities warned them about ‘those extremists.’

The Imperative of Replacing Google and Facebook

The killer bees of fake news

Who deserves to vote?

As they’re doing with mainstream weaponvision:

ABC Accused of Playing Politics In Canceling Tim Allen Hit ‘Last Man Standing’

ABC Besieged by Boycott Calls After Cancelation of Conservative Tim Allen’s Hit Show

FK – Gee, are ‘conservatives’ finally learning to stand up to the propaganda stream? Pity they don’t really understand what they’re really up against or what will be required to fix this mess if it can be fixed.

If Allen supported Kasich in the primaries he’s not a ‘conservative.’