Tag Archives: cleveland

Trump Wins The GOP Nomination


FK – The whole convention process is a distraction. The commies are still applying 1960s tactics, if not strategy.

And Jesus allegedly did threaten all those who didn’t want to be his daddy’s slaves with eternal torture. Look it up.

I suppose it would’ve been fun for the circus like atmosphere including the Infowars rolling sideshow but I have no business getting that close to screaming commies.

And ol’ Vermin should be Trump’s V.P. That would be a match made in the propaganda lab.

We’ve had the internet for 20 years so there’s really no real excuse for any of this except good old fashioned human insanity.

From the inside:


FK – The header should read ‘infuriated morons.’

From those looking for a savior to those who think anything that spews out of a candidate’s mouth during the quest for the idiot vote means anything to the apatetic that don’t care one way or another to those in the ‘conservative’/’libertarian’ movements who think we will resolve this peacefully and are scared to death of the ‘m’ word in the Second Amendment.

What will we do if Trump is or isn’t what so many think he is or if the elites shove their CFR witch into the now red house and disgust with the republicrats puts the national congress into the hands of the commiecrats again?

Are we ready?

As I was writing:


FK – We’ve had the internet for 20 years. It’s easy to learn how evil socialism and any form of ‘gun control'(sheeple control) is and why the commies want us disarmed: so we can’t kill them when enough wake up to the necessity of doing so but Marxist front groups like the Turks just keep lying. They won’t stop lying until we force them to.

There’s no such thing as a ‘right’ to work covertly or overtly to enslave those around you. They are waging war on us, this country and the Bill of Rights.

Young minds and old lies will bring fresh blood:


FK – Why didn’t you ask them if their system would be voluntary and why not and if they favor disarming the common people and why?

Yes, we should have a ‘system’ where no one is treated like a jackass, either by any govt., our employers or by any other institution.

The ‘conspiracy’ is proven by the fact that the rich have no problem funding these commie front groups and working to disarm the masses so they can’t fight back.

What You Need to Know About Donlad Trump


FK – We won’t ‘know’ anything about Trump until four or eight years down the road. Even then we’ll still have to hold the war crimes/treason trials to get at the ‘real’ truth if that’s even possible.

If we had a nation of men the klintons and their entourage and their masters that made them and put them in place to include the Bush dynasty and the donors/leadership of the Marxist front groups/foundations/news media et al would’ve been executed for waging war on the Bill of Rights decades ago.

The war is here.

Is there a militia force in your county yet? Why not? Are you afraid of the ‘m’ word that’s in the Second Amendment?

Or do you fear this?:

FK – The fat pinko almost got its sign right. It should be ‘klinton.’

They should be scared. We should be hunting them. They’re waging open war on the Bill of Rights and on this country. Oh for a nation of men. Who’s paying them? Why do we tolerate covert and overt war on our Liberties? There’s no such thing as a right to work to enslave those around you in socialism much less to disarm them so they can’t kill you when enough finally wake up to the reality of doing so.