Tag Archives: civilian disarmament

How ABC’s 20/20 “Bullies” Me & Other TinFoil Hat YouTubers Over Las Vegas Story!


FK – If someone tells me they blindly trust any source I know I’m dealing with a child. The govt. elites proved with Waco that they don’t mind murdering American children and railroading real Americans into prison.

And they just don’t like your beard.

The most important things to do

As if they’ve never lied before:


FK – Repeat a lie, or truth, or some combination thereof, often enough and the sheeple swallow it all eventually because it’s easier than thinking.

“The truth is the best propaganda.” – Adolf Hitler

Breaking: President Kennedy Shot From Front According To Surgeon General & FBI

JFK Files Show J Edgar Hoover Said, “Convince the Public” That Oswald Is Assassin

Lee Harvey Oswald Made Secret Russian Call Right Before JFK Assassination