Tag Archives: casualty

The Universal Firearm Safety Rules

FK – Perhaps the most important rule while breathing is to ‘think before you act.’ And written/verbal speech is an act.

Bullets, ideas and words can have consequences. Some more permanent than others.

Here’s my version:

A Short Lesson in Gun safety

The only real reason for the militia

The most important things to do

Building a Budget Trauma Kit

FK – In some surplus stores I’ve seen the issue kits go for 20 – 40 bucks.

Something I had no clue about:

FK – Most of the tourniquets I’ve seen didn’t all have that stuff. Only one of mine has the red.

In case you have to:

FK – I keep one handy when I’m cutting wood with a chainsaw.

A different version:

FK – The time can also be written on the skin.

We need to apply that ‘neck tourniquet’ to most of our politicians.