Tag Archives: america

GOP Elite Panic Over Trump, Eurozone On Verge Of Collapse


FK – “…as is Donald Trump,” gonna be the nominee for the demoncrat party…

I like how you phrased that.

In the 4 year cycle of the quest for the idiot vote elections don’t matter as those are about the next tool being allowed to pretend to hold the ‘reigns of power’ for the beast system for a while. Everything below that does matter.

The SCOTUS appointments matter, but history shows neither party can be proven to produce a tool that will keep the commies and the ‘moderates’ out of the court.

Here’s my predictions: Hitlery = civil war; Bernie = civil war; Trump = civil war; Cruz = civil war; Rand Paul = civil war and on and on…

When the ‘conservatives'(very loosely defined, as loose as a stringless kite in a March wind) prove they’re just as susceptible to hero worship as the commies were during the last two cycles of the quest for the idiot vote then all that proves is this country is spiritually, morally, intellectually bankrupt.

And I don’t mean ‘spiritual’ in a religious sense as the mainstream versions, sub-versions and subversions were obviously infiltrated long ago if not created for the purpose of control of the population but in the sense that none have left a true love of Liberty nor the discernment to see a real defender of Liberty when he beckons or Rand Paul(even with that little beanie on his head) would be the favorite, or even Cruz, with his Wall St. and ‘religious right’ baggage.

Trump has donated to demoncrats, called the klintons his ‘friends,’ played money games, treated workers as jackasses, supported gun control, divorced and re-married multiple times which the ancient tribal propaganda is clearly against and on and on yet the sheeple have been blinded by another charismatic leader that promises them a rose garden maybe even without thorns because obviously bleeding for anything that matters is the last thing most of them would have the courage to do.

Trump has a lot to prove and he shouldn’t be allowed to do it while in the now red house because sometimes tools can fly off the handle and do tremendous even un-reparable damage. But then, it may not matter anyway.


FK – As long as the sheeple and people look for saviors we’ll stay on the same filthy wide road to hell on Earth that we’ve been on for all of human history.

We are on a road with no turn-arounds or exits:

FK – That’s OK, when the donald, or drumpf, or whatever wins, he’ll just declare bankruptcy and hold a fire sale for the now red house antiques and all that useless stuff in the Smithsonian and re-develop the district of commie criminals into a new East Coast Vegas where the prostitutes will actually look like the expensive whores they are.

I like Massie being in the congress of commie criminals if for no other reason than contrast but maybe he needs to take time off to invent a weapon that even if banned can be made in any garage because we’re gonna need them.

Has the tool already left the shed?:

FK – Trump has a lot to prove. Do we want him proving it on our dime? Will he use his billions to shave down the national debt?

What they say during a campaign means nothing. Their records and affiliations, past and present, are all that matter.

Questions for your candidate

The answer is yes:


FK – Really it goes back to 1865 when the bad guys won and the radicals in the original party of big govt. elevated the black slaves from one level of slavery to another and lowered the rest of us to that same level. When one cannot un-volunteer from something one volunteered for one has become a slave. That’s why the income tax, that Cruz wants to turn into a flat tax which will solve nothing toward getting rid of the communism/banksterism it stems from is ‘voluntary.’

Yep, if Trump is the demagogue I think he is he’ll be Romney on steroids:


FK – As much as it may pain me to do so for once I have to agree with the newswhores. Trump has no record of supporting Liberty or ‘conservatism’ or any damn thing else.

His phenomenon is the same human nature that put the Marxist mutt in the now red house.

What will ‘making America great again’ really mean?:

What Donald Trump learned from his German grandpa Friedrich Drumpf

If that account is true any employer that treats workers that way should be gut shot, chained to a pickup truck and dragged down the road at a high rate of speed.

Liberty means not being treated like a jackass by any government or any employer.

Walls work both ways.

We need to end the ‘socialism-type policies’ that draw the illegals here and do whatever it takes to keep the commies from registering them to vote commie. That’s what it’s about.

Romney? Really?

If ‘they’ or someone, a ‘mind control’ victim or commie dupe afraid of losing its check kills Trump the conspiracy theories will likely dwarf those of 9/11 and JFK and serve as great distraction for decades.

How much of ‘the system’ are we willing to work within? What if Trump champions the same kind of ‘compromise’ on the Second Amendment that Sanders does or even goes as far as Hitlery wants to with ‘Australia style gun control?’

Don’t think that’s possible?

Regardless of who’s right or wrong about the billionaire with the hair we should as always be preparing for what will be required. That reality will come to one generation or another as it always does.

Here’s some ‘compromise’ and ‘deal making’:


FK – Oh we’ll be ‘hunting’ soon enough.

Let’s hear from the youth vote:


FK – So are they morons intentionally generated by the govt. indoctrination system or are they simply choosing between the lessor of two evils? You decide.

Oh, it’s gonna be a crazy year all right, and probably several after that…

A few out there must know what’s coming:


FK – Reminds me of a milk crate raid I went on in college with a guy who basically dared me to do it. I was picking out the best colors and he was complaining because I was taking too much time.

As they say, we must never forget:


FK – Well he was right about Marxism being a plague.

War is not always voluntary

War is not always voluntary
Barry Bright
Feb. 9, 2016

Again this is basically a response to a YouTube star. And again I just can’t let it go.

Watch the vid first. And don’t miss the comments.

FK – Lot’s of ignorant 19-year-olds die in wars because they are able to fight. If you don’t believe me try to carry a 50 pound pack and 200 rounds of ammo and a 10 lb weapon while doing double time after you turn 50.

During amerika’s not-so-civil war both governments, and the Confederacy was an official ‘legitimate’ government, had to resort to conscription. Whether either side was ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ in doing so I won’t get into it here if for no other reason than most wars are usually both ‘just’ and ‘unjust’ for various reasons. Search the ‘New York draft riots.’

If several state governments finally grew a backbone, which many claim will be necessary to restore Liberty here, and decided to defy some edict of our beast system or of one of our elected tools in the now red house or a ruling by a commie SCOTUS you can bet there’d be conscription again, on both sides.

I didn’t come from a ‘military family’ except for my father who ‘served’ in the 50s during the Berlin Crisis and some ancestors who fought in the War for Southern Independence. One of them came from a slave owning family and my relatives want to think he fought for the Union, which he may have.

I voluntarily joined the military back in the 80s before it was ‘cool’ for the average mush head to do so because the stink of the Vietnam fiasco(from which we should have kept our troops home and had them kill our commies here first) and vividly remember a female cousin asking me if I could somehow ‘get out’ of being activated for what became Desert Storm. I also remember the looks one would get if the sheeple thought you were military. There were no yellow ribbons around trees in pre-gulf-war days.

The meaning of her question still haunts me. Do we ever fight for a ‘just cause?’ Is the petrodollar, which goes a long way to providing the standard of living we enjoy here a ‘just cause?’ Again, maybe that’s a question for another time. But my cousin’s reasoning, I’m sure, was not because of any great political understanding, because at that time I was not really ‘awake’ and I know she’s still politically oblivious after all these years, at least beyond voting for a candidate based on whether or not it meets her standards of ‘morality’ which come not from years of thought or education but from years of mindlessly attending church.

I don’t remember if I attempted to explain to her that it would be wrong to try to ‘get out of it’ if for no other reason than that would be grossly unfair to my fellow Marines and to some sense of camaraderie that all people in such situations should feel on some level. I really think I just stared at her in disbelief, and disgust.

But then our American individualism may be too far advanced for that. The zombie apocalypse that’s on our doorstep and in Europe’s living rooms due to our failure to hunt our white “Liberal”(commie) trash to extinction may prove this.

The point of worrying about what she asked me is this: There are real monsters in this world and sometimes we do have to band together to kill the cave bear. This will likely never change no matter how often moronic, dangerous, real and false pacifists claim so.

I vividly remember a fellow Marine reservist saying one day, way before the 9/11 ‘false flag’(to whatever degree), that there’d never be another ‘conventional’ war and the next one would be nuclear. Such was the propaganda of the times. Our drones, satellites and aircraft carriers and other assorted tech exist on a slender thread of electricity that is not guaranteed to continue to flow.

There are many memes floating around that remind us of a Japanese General saying how dangerous it would be to invade America because “There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.” On Parris Island there are airstrips that were built during WWII because during that time they had reduced boot camp to six weeks and were flying them straight out to war. But they were still training them.

From my time in the militia I can tell you that the average patriot is not ready to go to war at the drop of a hat. If you get ‘American men'(very loosely defined) to volunteer and show up overnight to fight some true organized force they would die like flies. During the American Revolution there were times when the militias fought admirably and won the day and others when they ran screaming like little girls. That is war.

From my time in the military I can tell you how hard it is to maintain discipline and readiness among those who have been trained. Before the first Gulf War we received some training but when we were actually over there I saw many issues that had not been addressed.

During our time in Saudi Arabia serving as Combat Military Police one of our sergeants told us a female Marine had been caught sending 50 grand in cash and checks home in a sea bag. I’ll leave how she earned that up to your imagination.

That ‘Intel’ could have been a product of the rumor mill that always exists in such situations but it wouldn’t surprise me. There were times when female Marines certainly distracted me. Ignoring human biology and the communist propaganda that uses it is not only childish but dangerous.

I constantly see morons(trolls) online claiming we could never stand up against the ‘modern’ military. The same liars will claim the empire lost in Vietnam because they couldn’t fight an organized guerrilla campaign when a Vietnamese general allegedly said after the war that it was won over here where our real enemies have always been. Even if he didn’t make the statement it’s certainly true.

Guerrilla warfare is the oldest form of killing our fellow kind in an organized fashion. The fights over waterholes or shelter or hunting grounds were carried out in such a fashion. They didn’t likely stand back with flags and diplomats and have gentlemanly discussions before or after. That came later.

A constant meme among ‘pro-gunners’ and Second Amendment activists is more or less ‘what would the holocaust have been like if the Jews had been armed and fought back.’ A tiny ‘volunteer’ force did fight back in the Warsaw Ghetto. It was too little too late.

FK – But then as now too many fail to understand, because thinking is the hardest work to be done and most avoid it at all costs, that sometimes humanity’s back is thrown against the wall and there is no other choice but to kill or be killed.

As I used to write in comment sections: ‘Millions will dig the ditch that they’re told to dig then wet their pants as the machine gun bolts slam home and die stupidly wondering “How did this ever happen to me?”

Common sense, something in severe short supply nowadays, tells us that not everyone can or should be ‘on the front line.’ There are many ways to fight, with or without advanced technology. We used to learn in school how Betsy Ross sewed the flag. Now they walk and spit on it and we’re stupid enough to call them our ‘fellow Americans.’

That above all things must change.

Bundy arrested, Oregon militia spokesman killed in confrontation; Reportedly shot while holding hands up

On Tuesday, Les Zaitz reported that Robert “LaVoy” Finicum, the spokesman for the militia members who occupied a federal facility near Burns, Oregon, was killed “after law enforcement officials stopped vehicles about 20 miles north of Burns.”

According to Zaitz, Ammon Bundy told his wife that Finicum was cooperating with authorities at the time and had put his hands up while laying on the ground.

Then, Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore said, Bundy alleged that he saw officers shoot him three times.

FK – What possessed them to think they could move down a highway to a meeting?

1 killed as feds move in, arrest protest leader Ammon Bundy

BREAKING: FBI Issues Statement on Bundy Militia Shootout in Oregon. 1 Dead.

1 dead, 8 arrested after leaders of armed group occupying refuge clash with FBI

BREAKING: Ammon Bundy Taken Into FBI Custody

FK – It seems that the first casualty, or maybe most recent one, has been created in this war. We are writing and living history that will either be celebrated or condemned or ignored depending on who or what writes the future history books. We know who that has to be.

Don’t do stupid things;

Man joining Ore. occupation tells police, ‘I will kill all of you’ during traffic stop

Pacific Patriots Network – Official Statement for Immediate Release

The Feds accommodate Ammon Bundy and give him his John-Brown-at-Harper’s-Ferry moment, and we get to make a choice.

Oathkeepers: Malheur SITREP: 2100L 25 JAN 2016

Rules for the Militia

FK – The first casualty?

This vid explains some of the ‘legal’ issues with the evil BLM. It was made during the Bundy standoff:


FK – And this is what he’s talking about:

FK – Someone recently asked me to define a commie. I told them this off the top of my head: “Arrogance that will find no limit of its own accord.”

We will be forced to limit them.

Commie rag: The Future of Life Depends on Bringing the 500-Year Rampage of the White Man to a Halt

The time for replacing white supremacy with new values is now. And just as some whites played a part in ending slavery, colonialism, Jim Crow segregation, and South African apartheid, there is surely a role whites can play in restraining other whites in this era. Beneath the sound and fury generated by GOP presidential candidates, Fox News, website trolls, police unions and others, white people are becoming aware as never before of past and present racism.

Admittedly, this encouraging development is hardly the dominant view. To the contrary, given the possibility that Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Ben Carson or one of their ilk might become president, white supremacist ideology seems to be digging in harder than ever.

I don’t take this lightly. Once upon a time I foolishly thought that there was no way that Ronald Reagan could get elected president. Lesson learned. Now is the time to start contingency planning for intensified resistance to mass deportations of immigrants, atrocities against Muslims and extreme danger to African Americans.


By way of example, a recurring concern of those responding to the Times’ Woodrow Wilson op-ed was, “Where will it all end? Will we have to destroy Mount Rushmore?” some asked. Maybe we should. Not just because it honors slave owners Jefferson and Washington, Mount Rushmore is also a powerful symbol of brutality and racism toward indigenous people.

FK – I’m not ‘racist.’ I recognize my biggest enemies are white “Liberal”(commie) trash that uses key terms and phrases in its mind control propaganda to affect the actions of their simple-minded dupes.

My ‘native American’ ancestors of white and red skin conquered the blood stained lands we take our food and water from. But this should be taught as history not used as an excuse to communize our country.

This lying arrogance won’t cease until we force it to.

Looks like the aliens really are invading:

FK – Even Darth Vader would whip out his light saber for that trash…


FK – At least he’s calling the creatures our enemies. Too bad ‘white men’ aren’t men anymore. The pacification has worked too well. If we had a nation of men the commie newswhores wouldn’t feel safe anywhere in this country or on any other continent.

I think a lot of crime probably isn’t being reported, especially in the larger cities, but guess what skin color that would mostly involve.

Trump’s Got Plans For America


FK – Trump is a ringer or some version thereof. The desperate mal-educated half awake ‘tea partiers’ are grasping at straws like the cowards they are instead of standing up like real men and women and doing what will be required to take our country back.

I call them the unmentionables: In a free country there’s no such thing as a group whose motives cannot be questioned. When we have that we have a serious problem. We have a serious problem.

The Tea Party’s National Security Threat

Let’s rearrange the deck chairs

The “M” Word


FK – “We’re not trying to overthrow the government. The government’s already been overthrown.” – KSM Commander Charlie Puckett

If we can’t stand against the labeling and propaganda then we won’t stand against bullets or worse. No matter what PR we generate our domestic blood enemies will still label and attack us. We will be ‘terrorists’ and ‘killers’ and ‘extremists’ and ‘racists’ and on and on until we destroy them. There is no other option.

We need millions more of real men who are willing to do what will be required.

Our Liberty is dying because of our failure to hunt the “Liberal”(commie) and globalist trash to extinction.

Rules for the militia

Too Late to Apologize: A Declaration

FK – Neat tune/vid but our Founders didn’t win their Liberty with feathers, cups and fiddles. When they said “Liberty or Death,” it didn’t mean they were going to blow their brains out if the British didn’t grant them their Liberty. It meant they were going to blow British brains out.

if we don’t develop the same mentality toward the modern day haters of human Liberty we are done, toast. Our tolerance of them and failure to hunt them to extinction is what will destroy us.

Free Kentucky Column: What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

Waking up is hard to do

And April 19 should be our biggest holiday. It’s the day they shot back.

Our country is Doomed

FK – It will be up to the tiny minority as it always is:

Free Kentucky Column: What must be done A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

As far as the border goes, fences work both ways. End the programs they come to sign up for. Make it easier for them to legally come to work, without voting rights. See my column.

American corporations didn’t move their factories to Mexico, Latin America and Asia because they felt sorry for peasants.

The Founders would spit on us for our cowardice.

Allegedly the govt.s are insolvent. So with or without civil war your check may not be a guaranteed thing anyway.

The preachers are whores. If Jesus was walking the streets today most of them would be screaming the loudest to kill him again.

The human race must stop choosing from among the various forms of authoritarianism.

Goodbye to the First Amendment

FK – The Bill of Rights is what makes us exceptional. Too many are blind to that.

The Founders were mostly classically educated men so they knew full well the insanity of humanity. We just call it by different names.

Check this:

Left-wing professor admits: “My liberal students terrify me”

And they’re not ‘progressives.’ They’re communists. Please don’t call them ‘leftists,’ or ‘liberals’ or ‘progressives’ or any of the other cute names the commies dreamed up to hide their evil. Doing so only helps our domestic blood enemies wage war against Human Liberty and the Bill of Rights.

And we Americans haven’t turned in our guns to our govt. When they take the First Amendment we fall back on the Second. That’s what it’s for.