Obama’s Amnesty Agenda Exposed By U.S. Customs Agent


FK – (The only other comment on this vid when I viewed it was to use the FEMA camps for the illegals. This is my response)Most of them are just pawns, like the ‘troops.’ Who are our real enemies? Who or what ideology wants the illegals here so they can get them to vote commie? Use the FEMA camps for our real enemies, our domestic blood enemies with white skin who were born here and who decades ago infiltrated every institution with the goal of subverting them. Throw the assholes who hire the illegals in there with them. Then we can hold the treason trials.

See what our domestic blood enemies’ ideological brethren are doing in Europe:


FK – Why does western civilization and those who claim to love human Liberty tolerate this garbage? Cowardice, plain and simple.