NRA News Cam & Co | Genevieve Wood on New York Gun Control, August 29, 2014

How New York’s New Gun Control Law Is Working Out (Hint: Not Great)

FK – How do they always manage to skirt around the big issue: Why the authoritarian trash wants us disarmed – so we can’t kill them when enough finally wake up to the necessity of doing so?

Let’s see this ‘law’ passed in every state and on the federal level:

Any elected public servant who votes for a law without reading it is immediately arrested, tried for treason and executed.

And see every wanna-be elected public servant make this promise:

“If elected, I will not vote for any law I haven’t read and will vote against any law I haven’t been given time to read.”

Let’s not hold our breath. We’ll be breathing hard on many occasions before this happens, in the process of doing what will be required.