Category Archives: July 2014 update three

Democrats Planned Illegals Invading U.S. 5 Years Ago

FK – Let it come. The apathetic brain dead sheeple fully deserve it.

FK – We’ve been ‘at war’ for a very long time. “Liberal”(commie) trash season should have begun during the klinton years.

Armed militia sets up Texas command center to ‘fight for national sovereignty’

FK – And they’ll easily be convinced to vote for the commies that ‘saved’ them.

Mexico made deal to send more illegal aliens to the U.S.

Dead Palestinians Don’t Matter to Mainstream Media

FK – And it’s justified via 3000 year-old tribal propaganda. What a pathetic species the human race still is. In a free country there’s no such thing as a group whose motives cannot be questioned.

FK – Here’s a solution: Arrest the globalist Zionist banksters and try them for treason against humanity. Take their assets and buy enough land in Western Australia from whomever owns it now to equal the land controlled by the ‘jews’ in Israel. Ship all the ‘jews’ in Israel to western Australia and tell them, “This is your ‘promised land’ now and leave the rest of us the hell out of it.” Of course the landowners in Western Australia should be paid a high market value for their land not the going rate.

FK – Sorry not all this last vid is on the 3000-year-old tribal propaganda issue but listen to their comments about Google toward the end. Google is evil and is being used by the PTAWTB to mainstream(politically correct) the net.

Everything’s Amazing and Nobody’s Happy | Econ Chronicles | Learn Liberty

FK – The final point is not that things are better per standard of living but that we’re losing the Bill of Rights. Without that all the trinkets can be taken whenever the Powers That Always Want To Be decide we don’t ‘need’ them anymore. The eco-commies would like to see us riding horses and buggies again or corralled into villages.