Category Archives: 2014 October update four

If It’s So Real, Why The Massive ‘Ebola Is Real’ Propaganda Campaign?

FK – I don’t doubt it’s real. What I doubt is that it will kill as many so-called human beings as the the Spanish flu did. But maybe this is the ‘end game?’

Is protective gear inadequate to stop Ebola?

FK – They consider us to be livestock. They can always go to the stockyards(the government schools) and get more.

Italian Americans Outraged About Seattle’s Vote To Change Columbus Day To Indigenous Peoples Day

FK – The only limit to the insanity of the “Liberal”(commie) trash is the limit we force upon it.

Here’s the version they’re hearing, some of which I don’t doubt is true. Our ancestors did some nasty things:

FK – We should use ‘Columbus Day’ to celebrate and regain the Liberty we’re supposed to enjoy here, that all so-called humans should be enjoying planet-wide.

Clear Evidence The LAW Does NOT Apply To Police

FK – With the tech they have they can’t be aprised of what the locals are doing? Not to mention their non-existent knowledge of geography. If they don’t know what county or city they’re in they don’t need to be cops. Do local yokels regularly respond to ’emergencies’ that aren’t in their jurisdiction?