Monthly Archives: February 2015

Britain Is Getting More Dangerous. So Give Us Our Guns Back

Imagine a Britain in which we were all free to carry licensed firearms.

Most of us can’t because, thanks to the pervasive cultural influence of organisations like the BBC, we’ve been brainwashed into thinking that this is the sort of thing only crazy Americans do; that it’s a matter of national pride that not even our policemen routinely carry guns; that there’s really nothing illiberal or embarrassing about the fact that since the handgun ban rushed through in the wake of the Dunblane massacre, even our once-world-beating Olympic pistol shooting team can only train abroad.

For this reason, I think we can be sure that the post by Kate Andrews of the libertarian think tank the Adam Smith Institute – Make Britain Safer: Bring Back Handguns – will be ignored by all right thinking people. Or rather, by the kind of glib bien-pensant types who think of themselves as right thinking people, such as this lovely character “James” from the comments below.
Wow. If there was ever any debate about whether the ASI’s views should be taken seriously, it is now over.

‘Have you diversified from the tobacco industry and now added a gun manufacturer to your list of donors?’

FK – Slimy little “Liberal”(commie)trash trolls should be ignored. Many of them are paid. We should be kicking the “Liberal”(commie) trash out of western civilization.

Barry Bright: Let’s rearrange the deck chairs

Let’s rearrange the deck chairs
Barry Bright
February 25, 2015

During my first year or two in the patriot movement I worked for a preacher in Georgia who was a patriot activist of sorts. Prior to being educated by different ‘Christian patriots’ about the situation we face I had spent years being basically a-religious to often contemptuous of the mindlessness I often see accompanying what passes for modern Christianity.

My employer in Georgia had a saying he would bring out whenever he saw people or would-be patriots arguing or working toward what he considered to be frivolous things: “They’re re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.”

I almost hate to waste time on this, I truly do, but millions may be about to die because of 3000-year-old tribal propaganda. Even worse, billions of future humans may be even more enslaved than we are because their ancestors wasted their time in this world arguing over the meaning of various propaganda verses.

But then there’s nothing new about that. It’s not that I think I’m going to stop or even slow what’s coming. It’s just that it’s all so disgusting that I can’t be quiet about it anymore. During both Ron Paul campaigns for the presidency I would hear ‘Christian’ talk show hosts say things like “We like Ron Paul, but we could never support him because of his stance on Israel” or some such mindless garbage.

Well, maybe it’s not mindless. Maybe they’re just whores for the Zionists, more on that below.

This video and the story the caller mentions is what started all this. I posted a video a few days back by another ‘Christian’ who said basically the same thing. I simply found it amusing at the time, another example of how absurd their religion is since they can’t agree on such a fundamental bit of its history, much less what they do to and with each other, to include the killing of millions during the reformation that amounted to a European civil war.

For those who haven’t clicked on the first two links some documentary maker has claimed that the ‘temple mount’ and the ‘wailing wall’ are not the site of the original ‘Solomon’s Temple’ in Israel. I don’t pretend to be enough of a ‘biblical scholar’ to whine on about all the possible meanings of this but apparently some think it’s pretty important stuff. From the actual WND article:

“Every book I read said this is the one place that is undisputed and that we can really rely upon, but archaeology is not a science. It’s an art. You have to take a lot of things in to develop a conclusion, and then it’s your best guess. It’s not empirical evidence. I’m not an archaeologist. I have PhD in Bible and theology, and a background as a police investigator, so what I do have is a very well-established background in investigations. I used those skills.”

Cornuke said he lacks the professional constraints of archaeologists, freeing him to take more risks.”

Well, at least the guy admits he’s guessing, about an issue some claim could cause WWIII. Next he’s quoting one of the investigators, or propagandists, or opportunists, or shysters, whatever they really are:

“There comes a time when you have to force feed your mind past reason and logic to accept some of these things that tradition teaches,” he said. “Jesus said: ‘Every stone will be thrown down,’ and every word of His prophecy has been fulfilled.”

There you go, that’s the problem right there. Our current form of government, the one we’re supposed to have but have largely lost and will continue to lose as long as the so-called ‘good people’ are sitting on their asses waiting for the world to end, is based on reason and logic. Or at least it’s supposed to be.

Blind faith is supposed to take a back seat, if it’s allowed to show up at all. As far as I’m concerned it shouldn’t be. It’s pathetic. The same blind faith, which is unfortunately human nature that guides most ‘Christians’ of whatever version, sub-version or subversion put the Marxist mutt in the now red house and will lead us all down the road to hell on Earth.

We won’t begin to fix this mess until enough stop choosing from among the various forms of authoritarianism, of whatever dimension.

As is often the case the comments below an online story are often more interesting and useful than the article itself. In this instance I fear it gives great insight into the readership of World Net Daily, a website I once had great respect for, until they seemed to turn into hucksters for the state of Israel and ‘end times prophets’ of various calibers.

This first comment proves my thinking that many ‘Christians’ aren’t that far advanced(evolved) from the fundie ragheads they so constantly put down for worshipping their ‘false god’:

“Rhonda Renee Albrecht • 21 hours ago

You have a lot of assumptions and conjectures in your statement dear.”

Jesus was among sinners before and when he comes again the sinners left will be forced with a rod of iron to cease from sin, yet they will not be born of the spirit. At the end of 1000 years Satan is loosed for a season so that these people may be tried to see if they will remain loyal or return to their sins. Most will fall and be destroyed.”

This is all in the Scriptures for those who seek.”

Yeah, lets seek out how we’re gonna force everybody else to bow to our version, sub-version or subversion of morality. If they don’t be good we’ll just have to whip, uh, beat them into shape. There are humans who think like this. We’re still a very primitive species.

Some would no doubt return to burning people at the stake if they could. I truly hate to sound like some whiney “Liberal”(commie) trash attacking religion, but on this point they’re right. The problem is the “Liberal”(commie) trash are just Earthly authoritarians of a different stripe and they relentlessly gain ground every time some ‘Christian’ gets on his knees to pray for the ‘Christ’ to return and magically solve all her problems. Simple fact.

The average proselytizing ‘servant of Christ‘ will look at you with a straight face and claim their version, sub-version or subversion is right and everybody else belongs in the fiery place or at least in heaven’s low rent district, per this next comment:

“WowJborq • 14 hours ago

Your confusion is massive!

Yehova’s elect are the “Lost Sheep of the House of Israel.”
(Matthew 15:24)

That is who the believers are. They were the “Gentiles” mentioned in the New Testament. Gentile means “out of covenant.” and all of the dispersed northern kingdom of Israel were out of covenant.”

All of the epistles were written to those lost sheep, wherever they had migrated to.”

WowJborq gets into a sub-version most Christians don’t even know about. Some of the harder core who claim this one as the ‘truth’ will tell you the Bible says anyone with 1/5th or more non-white blood doesn’t have a soul. I could be a little off on the fractions since I haven’t wasted much time dissecting that ‘interpretation’ of god’s inerrant infallible ‘word.’

As I’ve told some I’ve spent lots of time sitting around campfires listening to various, sub-versions or subversions, which eventually led me to the conclusions I’m stating here:

“Walter Schwenk • 2 days ago

Please share with us what this dis-information is?
What is it’s intended purpose?
I’ll be waiting. . . . .”

“Walter Schwenk marconi314 • 2 days ago

I’m only guessing, of course, like the present author. Perhaps to confuse the Muslims? Perhaps just to generate controversy and thus interest in rebuilding temple? But it is clearly, at least to me, disinformation, as the stones used in this wall, being decorative edged “Herodian” cut stones, of immense size, and therefore luxuriously expensive to quarry, would be totally inapropriate for a mere military facility. Also it would be absurd to think such expense would be undertaken to enlarge this spot when there was unlimited land nearby needing less improvement. The only logical explanation for a very high cost expansion of a small existing previous platform is Yah’s temple, because no other place would do for that project. Similar cut stones are also found in the “cave of Makpela” in Hebron, also an expensive Herodian project. This was no army barracks, this was absolute first class.”

Or could it be of benefit to the Zionists and their quest for empire?

I’ve read the new testament twice, and Jefferson’s Bible, grew up hearing it preached. Now it disgusts me when I think about what it really says. Time to wake up and grow up.

Mainstream Christians are looking forward to billions, including babies and children, being burned alive in fire forever and will look at you with a straight face and tell you, “you have no hope.” Pathetic. Even the ones who don’t buy into the eternal bonfire part will tell you the same thing.

The only real advancement the human race has enjoyed has been through hope for a better future for human kind. From ending human sacrifice to ending animal sacrifice to recognizing we’re not the center of the universe to maybe someday growing out of this ignorance-based notion that ‘It’s all about to end soon and you can’t do nothin’ about it cause it’s all written down.’

Future generations will look back on us with wonder as we look back on the witch burners. Maybe. It is possible we could backslide and start lopping off heads again, the old fashioned way. In the meantime we’re going to lose our Liberty and our Bill of Rights, that was written by men, like the Bible, only they forbade ‘cruel and unusual punishment’ and enshrined the right to ask inappropriate questions and to fight back against those who enslave us in whatever fashion. And no, all that didn’t come from the bible. Obviously.

But that’s OK, we can depend on the old version of why things go wrong in the world to see us through:

“Bigindin • 2 days ago

false religions like all except christianity are the problem..
their satanic..

so is aetheism – satanic..”

And that explains everything in the big ol’ scarey universe and I don’t have ta think about it! Shucky dern.

Further down into the comments we learn what the real problem is:

“SirWilhelm FWiedner • 2 days ago

It has been noted how consistent painted images of Christ have been over the ages. The theory is, that they were based on the image on the Shroud of Turin. The images are those of a white man. I feel sorry for those that want to make Christ’s race an issue, when it’s clear it’s every man’s choice, regardless of race, to follow Him, if they want to be saved. It’s how they live, as free of sin, as possible, that matters, not their race. And if they sincerely want to be forgiven for the sins they do commit, they will be, thanks to Christ’s sacrifice. Contrast that with the choice presented to Muslims, where they must take an oath: “I swear: I swear I am a Muslim and Slave of Allah.”

Who, in their right mind, willingly becomes a slave, even for a deity? Where is the good? Where is the Free Will, the ability to choose not sin, in being a slave? Especially when the deity, Allah, orders his slaves to enslave others, and to kill them if they refuse? How many Blacks have been enslaved by the slaves of Allah, most of whom were Arabs, until modern times? By the way, I’m not a Southern Baptist, or member of any religion.”

“trurl SirWilhelm • 2 days ago

We are all slaves, according to Paul. It is just a matter of who is our master. You are either a slave to sin or a slave to righteousness. The Holy Spirit gives you the power to be a slave to righteousness when you surrender … not commit … your life to Jesus Christ and HIS righteousness. “Do you not know that when you present yourselves to someone as slaves for obedience, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin resulting in death, or of obedience resulting in righteousness? But thanks be to God that though you were slaves of sin, you became obedient from the heart to that form of teaching to which you were committed, and having been freed from sin, you became slaves of righteousness. I am speaking in human terms because of the weakness of your flesh. For just as you presented your members as slaves to impurity and to lawlessness, resulting in further lawlessness, so now present your members as slaves to righteousness, resulting in sanctification.” Romans 6:16-20″

Wow. A religion of willing slaves. Which is another reason it disgusts me now…

Time to wake up and grow up.

I’m incredulous, not because I don’t blindly mindlessly ‘believe’ all the arguments in the comments but because it’s hard for me to accept that so many will willfully waste their time in this world arguing over such absurdities.

But then it gets more insane. Incredible stuff:

“Ed Banter Judit • 2 days ago

Also when Israel had a King that followed the animal sacrifices which covered Israel’s sins, they did well.
Once a King came in that stopped these, then times were hard.”

Slitting a goat’s throat always makes your corn grow better. Ask any farmer.

But they’re not after any ol’ garden variety goat. It has to be special just as all their implements have to be designed according to descriptions in their ancient tribal propaganda.

The grilled steak is for the priests, who put on the pomp and pageantry for the benefit of the ignorant masses who are told to submit a portion of their hard earned, especially in those days, money, meat, crops, whatever.

And we have ‘modern’ supposedly ‘evolved’ humans who want to return to this witch doctory.

When the third and final temple is re-built I may have to join PETA for I can’t think of a worse waste of good steak, which will have to be ‘pure‘ enough for their primitive god to accept it in their ancient blood rites:

Impurity Retards and Repels Holiness

This illusive impurity is in diametric opposition to the state of holiness, man’s intended and desired aspiration. Thus one who is impure is forbidden contact with anything holy: he cannot eat of that which is sanctified; neither can he touch that which is holy. He cannot enter a sanctified area; for this reason an individual who has been exposed to death is forbidden to enter the sanctified area of the Temple Mount until he undergoes the proscribed process of purification… sprinkling by the ashes of the red heifer. Impurity indicates a spiritual imbalance, and the Temple is the place which restores this balance.”

Gee, that must be how those evil pagan Roman soldiers entered the temple, stole and transported its artifacts to Rome after leaving not one stone upon another.

Somebody made all these stories up people! Grow up! The bible is ancient esoterica, written to control the masses and relay hidden information to the initiated, i.e. the priests as in ‘How are we gonna keep these dupes bringing us steak and patty cakes and handing us billions of their tax dollars so we can build our mid-east empire?’

Some I think, may have other goals in mind when they push their ‘interpretations'(partial quote of a comment):

“NO FEAR OF THE STORM. Here are the implications of a proper understanding of Daniel’s 70 weeks: Now that we realize that the 70 weeks have already been fulfilled, we need no longer fear a peace treaty between Israel and Palestine. Such a treaty would have absolutely nothing to do with the manifestation of the Antichrist’s infernal presence, nor the approach of the Tribulation.

Nor do we need to help build a Jewish temple in Jerusalem, or try to start World War 3 by blowing up the Muslim mosque that is there now. Our job is to build New Testament churches, not to help construct a temple for animal sacrifices, which according to the epistle to Hebrews would be an act of apostasy against Christ.”

Some Christians have developed an unhealthy and unscriptural fixation on the belief that there must be devastating conflicts in the Middle East that will result in the demolition of the Muslim holy sites in Jerusalem and the slaughter of millions of Jews, in order that the “ancient prophecies” may be fulfilled.”

This type of deluded thinking is a bad testimony and it makes all fundamentalist Christians look like a bunch of enthusiasts for war and destruction. It may help explain the knee-jerk support, from some elements of the “Christian Right,” for American involvement in any war or “pre-emptive first strike” anywhere in the Middle East, for any reason or no reason.”

In reality, there is nothing in the book of Daniel, or anywhere else in the Bible, that says that there must be a temple with animal sacrifices in Jerusalem, or a mass slaughter of the Jews, in order for Christ to be able to return.”

Maybe that guy has the right idea: Try to steer the ignorant away from stupid mindless activities by using their own verses. I just don’t have the patience for that. Plus a lot of them, like he said, want all the drama.

The fact they can’t agree on what their ancient propaganda actually means shows what a jumbled poorly written mess it is, by various authors over a long period of time who were dreaming up their version of what ‘god’ is, was, or should be.

As I said to someone who was recently trying to ‘witness’ to me: “Jesus was allegedly the son of god and he couldn’t write down what he meant for us all to know, or at least have a secretary?”

Give me a break.


McConnell Caves, But Reid Wants Full Surrender From Boehner As Well

Republican leadership in the Senate is fully caving to the demands of Democratic lawmakers calling for a so-called “clean” Department of Homeland Security funding bill that leaves President Obama’s executive amnesty intact, but Democrats are still balking at the plan.

“I’ve indicated to the Democratic leader that I’d be happy to have his cooperation to advance consideration of a clean DHS bill, which would carry us through September 30,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) told reporters Tuesday. “With Democratic cooperation on a position they have been advocating for the last two months, we could have that vote very quickly.”

“This is a total victory for the Obama position,” said a GOP senator unhappy with McConnell’s plan. “The House hasn’t passed it yet, so they might could come up with something. But that’s a grim prospect.”

But Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid balked at the offer, saying Democrats would continue to filibuster the bill until House Speaker John Boehner indicated he was willing to also pass it through the House.

FK – Has anyone mentioned that a ‘free country’ shouldn’t have a ‘Department of Homeland Security?’

As Democrat Filibuster of DHS Bill Holds, McConnell Urges Plan B

FK – How about ‘Plan C?’: Shut down DHS and let the police state wither on the vine…

Oregon Democrat confirms amnesty danger to gun rights

Calling it the “civil rights battle” for millennials that will decide who controls the the country for the next three decades, Democrat Rep. Kurt Schrader of Oregon says immigration “will decide who is in charge of this country for the next 20 or 30 years,” the Portland Tribune reported Monday. Schraeder’s observation highlights a contention made by Gun Owners of America that amnesty is a threat to the right to keep and bear arms. That position has so far been avoided by other national gun rights groups which refuse to acknowledge the issue, or to score political ratings and endorsements accordingly.

That avoidance is in spite of the fact that Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson has stated illegal aliens have “earned the right to be citizens. It’s in spite of all credible polling showing the foreigners to be overwhelmingly Democrat and anti-gun in their sympathies.

It’s also in spite of almost daily revelations corroborating the increasing danger, and not just from the “illegal” side of the equation. Just within the past day, we’ve learned that Muslim immigration is outpacing that from Mexico and Central America, that 40 percent of New Yorkers are now foreign-born and half the residents of New York City speak a language other than English at home. We’ve also seen that the Border Patrol has been ordered to curtail deportations. Both legal and illegal immigration are being exploited by cheap labor Republicans and “earned citizenship” Democrats, both counting on the directed “cultural terraforming” to advance globalist interests and “fundamentally transform” the country.

FK – Can someone please explain to me why we’re not killing them? And don’t miss this one:

Inside the NRA’s Koch-Funded Dark-Money Campaign

FK – Have the neo-cons and republicrats and fakers bought the NRA?

Liberal ‘lies’ certainly must cover the Second Amendment debate

FK – Town Hall is a neocon site. They’d rather make money for the military industrial complex by bombing ragheads than face our real enemies.

How many real ‘terrorist’ attacks have there been since the 9/11 false flag? The govt. is the real terrorist. Bring the troops home, have them hunt our real enemies here. They can start with the district of commie criminals.

I-594 sponsors file motion to intervene in SAF federal lawsuit

FK – We’re surrounded by cowards and whores:

FK – That’s OK, the old style kind still work:

FK – Now for some light entertainment:

Cops investigate deadly shooting at ‘Obama Food Mart’

FK – That’s just too sweet…


Will Sen. McConnell force the ATF to cry “uncle” on the AR-15 Ammo Ban?

ACTION: Contact both of your Senators, and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, as well.  Ask them to hold up the Loretta Lynch nomination, particularly if the ATF continues its crusade to wage war on AR-15’s by banning common ammunition, such as SS109 and M855 ammo.

The “Ball” is now in McConnell’s Court

The Senate Judiciary Committee is expected to advance, on Wednesday, the nomination of Loretta Lynch to be Attorney General.

This, of course, comes roughly a week since the ATF announced its intention to ban common “green tip” AR-15 ammunition.

Once the nomination is voted out of committee, it goes to the full Senate.  But whether she gets a vote in the full chamber is entirely up to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

As a tactical matter, Gun Owners of America is encouraging the Senate to postpone any vote on the Attorney General nominee.  After all, this is what we’re dealing with:

* Loretta Lynch is a protégé of anti-gun New York Senator Chuck Schumer;

* Lynch has made it clear that she would continue to enforce Barack Obama’s unlawful amnesty “executive actions” (which would, ultimately, add 8 million anti-gun voters to the rolls);

* Lynch was asked about the Justice Department’s efforts to eradicate the Second Amendment by cutting off credit under Operation Choke Point — and she feigned ignorance;

* Lynch is expected to continue every unlawful anti-gun action by Holder, including the pending effort to demonize AR-15’s by banning certain AR-15 ammunition;

* There is no evidence that Lynch is less anti-gun than the current Attorney General Eric Holder — and her public record has gained Lynch the well-deserved nickname “Holder in a skirt”; and,

* Unlike Holder, Lynch is being groomed to fill the Kennedy or Scalia seat on the Supreme Court, resulting in the reversal of the pro-gun rulings in the Heller and McDonald cases.

FK – Ask McConnell why it hasn’t introduced legislation to repeal GCA ’68, the NFA, shut down the BATF Nazis, try them for treason and give their retirement funds to their victims.

Hacking Life’s Code and Creating New Organisms with 3-D Printed DNA

FK – I want to hear more about the little dinosaur that runs across your desk. Can we make them slightly larger and genetically encode them with the incessant need to eat “Liberal”(commie) trash and then re-wild the cities with them?

Just like the gun printers, the govt. nazis/commies/authoritarians of whatever stripe will seek to regulate and/or ban this once it really reaches the public consciousness.

On the other hand it may really soon surpass the district of commie criminals ability to keep up…:

FK – Wait a minute, the V.P. of google helped create the net? Hmmmm…. Why is google so powerful and who or what really owns it?

Now if you told someone you had a 3 1/2″ floppy they’d feel sorry for you…

Barry Bright: What can I do?

What can I do?
Barry Bright
Feb. 23, 2015

Someone asked me this question a while back. It’s been so obvious to me for so long that I really didn’t have an answer for him, because it still astounds me when I meet someone who has no concept of their right, duty and responsibility to pay attention, get involved, act politically, and prepare for the blood war that history shows always eventually comes.

It’s been obvious to me all my life. I’ve always known we might have to fight back against our government someday, even when I was an ignorant kid who thought he was growing up in a ‘free country.’ It’s still a heartbreaking thing to me that the majority doesn’t have a clue and doesn’t want one.

But if you’ve gotten past all that or never faced it to begin with, here’s a list of sorts:

First you have to face some hard core reality. Most are not ready for this because most humans are herd animals accustomed to going with the flow. The predominant religion in this country has been turned into a tool of the elites, if it wasn’t from the beginning, with its primary purpose being to keep the slaves working by keeping them sitting on their asses in their free time waiting for the world to end.

The mainstream preachers and churches, that aren’t gonna get beamed up before things get too bad, are already major tools for the beast system we exist under as they tell their flocks that our leaders are ‘appointed by god’ and must be obeyed. How pathetic.

So get off your ass and stop waiting for the world to end. Humans have been doing that for thousands of years, probably as long as there’s been a shaman in the cave who made his living off the ignorance of his fellow cave men. How did it work for them? Worked fine for the shaman, he got fat eating fried chicken on Sundays while his flock had to go fight the wolves and the cave bears so their children could have a future.

Pay attention. Understand one thing, the most important thing: our elite ‘leaders,’ not the ones we elect, well maybe some of them, consider us to be livestock. The rest of them are just their whores. Is that what you are, a cow in the pasture, or a whore?

Understand this is a war. We are at war. Our biggest enemies aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world. If any fundie ragheads get through the gate it’ll be because some piece of trash that was born here, and likely has white skin, that hates this country and the Bill of Rights, let them in. We can’t call them traitors because one cannot be a traitor to something one has always hated. Did I mention we’re at war with these creatures?

Sometimes it helps just to show up, to give moral support. Often it takes much more. The current empire of note railroads patriots into prison every chance they get. In reality it takes much more than most are willing to give. History shows about 3 – 7 percent of the colonial population actually fought in the American revolution. Most of the rest tried to profit from it, ignored it, or tried to stay out of the way. Fighting doesn’t always involve carrying a gun.

Pick a ’cause.’ Most patriot activists don’t have the time, resources, knowledge base to be involved in every little battle in this war. I can’t keep up with everything I’d like to post on this site. Take some time for yourself, get proper exercise and proper diet and proper rest. Burnout isn’t just for the drug culture and you will need your health when things get hairy.

If you’re making a really good income at something, don’t be stupid and quit just to become an activist unless you know without a doubt you’ll have the patience, fortitude, guts, patience(did I mention patience?), desire, drive and love of Liberty that it takes to do what you invariably end up doing: banging your head against a brick wall for years and decades.

If you have a good income there are many already successful groups that need your financial support. Research their past records and what their ultimate goals are, to go along to get along or to restore human Liberty and the Bill of Rights.

Put your money where your Liberty teeth and your dried beans are, or rather recognize that this is a multi-front war that must be fought in the public mind, in the legislatures and the city commissions and fiscal courts all while being ready to walk out the door and kill the bastards with an organized military force(what the militia was meant to be) when we finally have no other choice.

A difference has been and can be made even in the national congress. The presidency is basically a lost cause, for now. The elites control which of their whores gets into the now red house and simply tell the gullible brain dead sheeple “So and so can’t win because he’s too ‘extreme’ so vote for candidate A or candidate B, the approved NWO hacks.”

More of the ‘mush heads in the middle’ as a national radio personality likes to call them turn out for the presidential races because on some genetic or whatever level they’re electing a new king who’s going to wave its magic wand and solve their problems for them. Blind faith got us into this mess. It won’t get us out.

Understand the submissive have been surviving to breed for a very long time. This will not likely change. It’s always up to the tiny percentage to make a real difference. When a congressman or legislator gets one call he counts on many other constituents feeling the same way. When their phone lines are shut down it gets their attention.

They will call you every name in the book. See Alinsky’s rule no. 5. Our domestic blood enemies are consummate liars. When their lies cease to work they find a new audience or they alter them slightly but in reality are telling the same lies. If they couldn’t lie they wouldn’t need oxygen.

Our domestic blood enemies have been relentless in their quest for domination. Compromising with and kowtowing to them only encourages them.

Phelba meets a Japanese Toilet

FK – Lots of guys are quite proud of their sound effects. Must be a female thing.

You haven’t lived until you find an ‘American style’ sit down toilet in another part of the world with boot prints on the seat.

Since we’re on the subject, a major pet peeve of mine is so-called grown men who urinate on commode seats. Those who do this should be crated up, sent to the zoo and put in with the gorillas where they belong. A five-year old should know better and has the mental faculties to raise the lid and seat first.